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Rasagandhi mezhugu capsules


BRAND:SKM Siddha And Ayurvedha

330.00 297

RASAGANDHI MEZHUGU CAPSULE; Rasagandhi Mezhugu is a classical Medicine in Siddha system of medicine. It is used to treat abscess due to Vata, hernia, abdominal colic, facial palsy, neuro-muscular conditions due to Vata imbalance and backache. Important in sarvanga vata [paraplegia]. Very effective if applied externally in pounding pain, pricking pain, numbness and loss of strength. Controls ; Rasagandhi Mezhugu are used to cure various types of diseases such as skin diseases, arthritis, joint or muscle pain, fissures, fistula, piles, penile cancer, and many more. It helps one to lower the itching and irritation of skin observed in the case of skin disease. The pain caused in the urinary tract due to fistula and piles is also lowered with the help of Rasagandhi Mezhugu . The herbal and natural ingredients of the tablets make the product a safe one to use. The irresistible pain caused while the movement of hands and legs is also low after the consumption of Rasagandhi Mezhugu. ROLE OF INGREDIENTS; Elemental mercury (Purified) - compounds have been used to treat skin infection, and in developing countries, they have been applied to the treatment of skin sores from syphilis. Mercury compounds have been used as laxatives and also added to teething powders as calomel (mercurous chloride) Elemental suphur (Purified) -  is applied to the skin for acne, hayfever, skin redness (rosacea), dandruff, scaly and red skin patches (seborrheic dermatitis), an itchy skin infection caused by mites (scabies), lice, cold sores, warts, and poison oak, ivy, and sumac infections. Mercury Chloride (Purified) - is corrosive to mucous membranes and used as a topical antiseptic and disinfectant. Arsenie trisulphide (Purified) -  internally for chronic diseases after purification and incineration. Copper sulphate  - is used to control bacteria and fungus growth. Zinc carbonate with traces of Zinc Sulphate (Purified) - have been used for their antiseptic, astringent, or caustic properties. Lead monooxide (Purified) -is used in the treatment of genitourinary disorder, diabetes, anemia, asthma gastric ulcers and urinary diseases  Zingiber officinale - is one of the most widely used natural products consumed as a spice and medicine for treating nausea, dysentery, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea, loss of appetite, infections, cough, and bronchitis. Curcuma longa - is used as a traditional medicine and remedy for various diseases including a coughs, diabetes, dermatological conditions, respiratory problems, cardiovascular and hepatobiliary diseases, arthritis, irritable bowel disease (IBS), peptic ulcers, psoriasis, and atherosclerosis. Embelia ribes -  are recommended for relieving headache, rhinitis, haemorrhage, epilepsy and insomnia. The decoction of dried fruits is used for fever and for chest and skin disease. Paste is applied for skin infection. Acorus calamus - is also used as a calming medicine (sedative), to induce sweating, and to treat rheumatoid arthritis and stroke. Syzgium aromaticum - have been used for centuries in the treatment of vomiting; flatulence; nausea; liver, bowel and stomach disorders; and as a stimulant for the nerves. In tropical Asia, cloves have been documented to relieve different microorganisms as scabies, cholera, malaria, and tuberculosis. Smilax china - is very effective cardio tonic that is used to treat various heart related disorder. It also used as stimulant for digestive system and good for promoting process of digestion. It is also carminative and laxative in nature and good for the sufferers of constipation. Terminalia chebula -  is used for dysentery. Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula are used as a lotion for sore eyes. Terminalia chebula is also used topically as a mouthwash and gargle. Intravaginally, Terminalia chebula is used as a douche for treating vaginal infections. Vernonia anthetmintica -  used in local medicine to cure a wide spectrum of disorders including asthma, sores, inflammatory swellings, skin ailments, kidney troubles, itching of the eyes, and hiccough. Premna berbacea -  is used in India to treat dropsy, cough, asthma, fever, rheumatism and cholera. Vitis vinifera - used for treating sore throats, and raisins were given as treatments for consumption (tuberculosis), constipation and thirst. Ripe grapes were used for the treatment of cancer, cholera, smallpox, nausea, skin and eye infections as well as kidney and liver diseases. Taxus baccata - has been used by the native populations for treating common cold, cough, fever, and pain. Piper longum - is most commonly used to treat chronic bronchitis, asthma, constipation, gonorrhea, paralysis of the tongue, diarrhea, cholera, chronic malaria, viral hepatitis, respiratory infections, stomachache, bronchitis, diseases of the spleen, cough, and tumors. Cuminum cyminum - are widely used as the spice for their distinctive aroma, they are also commonly used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases, including chronic diarrhoea and dyspepsia, acute gastritis, diabetes, and cancer. Psoralea corylifolia -has been used since centuries in leukoderma, psoriasis, vitiligo, asthma, ulcers, kidney disorders, and as an aphrodisiac and an anti-inflammatory. Strychnos nux - vomica - is used for diseases of the digestive tract, disorders of the heart and circulatory system, diseases of the eye, and lung disease. It is also used for nerve conditions, depression, migraine headache, symptoms of menopause, and a blood vessel disorder called Raynaud's Corallacarpus epigaeus - is commonly used in folk medicine in the treatment of various ailments, in- cluding, dysentery, enteritis, laxative, rheumatism and syphilis Withania sominifera -  is used in treating a wide variety of illnesses including asthma, diabetes, hypertension, stress, arthritic diseases, and cancer. Azima tetracantha  is widely used in traditional medicine for treatment of cancer and diabetic activity. Both its leaves were reported to possess antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. Acalypha fruticosa -  is drunk to treat convulsions, fever, colds and swellings of the scrotum. A root infusion is taken to treat whooping cough. The filtrate of the macerated leaves in water or milk is taken to treat constipation. Cocos nucifer -  is drunk to treat convulsions, fever, colds and swellings of the scrotum. A root infusion is taken to treat whooping cough. The filtrate of the macerated leaves in water or milk is taken to treat constipation. Sesamum indicum -  is mildly laxative, emollient and demulcent. The seeds and fresh leaves may be used as a poultice. Dolichos biflorus - herbal medicine the seeds of it are mainly used as tonic, astringent, diuretic, and are also recommended in asthma, bronchitis, urinary discharges, hiccoughs, ozoena, heart trouble and other diseases of brain. Astercantha longifolia -  is an important medicinal herb and is used in traditional system of medicine for various ailments like diuretics, jaundice, diopsy, rheumatism, hepatic, obstructions and dissolution of gallstones, kidney stones, liver dysfunction and disease of urinogenital tracts. Plumbago indica - infusion of the roots is taken to treat dyspepsia, colic, cough and bronchitis. A liniment made from bruised root mixed with a little vegetable oil is used as a rubefacient to treat rheumatism and headache. Palm jaggery - is known for its medicinal properties. It acts as an effective remedy for curing many common ailments, such as a dry cough, cold and asthma. It also helps in clearing your respiratory tract by dissolving the mucus. Egg White - are rich in protein and hence excellent for muscle growth. Having them on a regular basis can help in strengthening muscles, warding off fatigue boosting immunity levels. Since they are high in their nutrition value, egg whites help fight obesity. INDICATIONS; It is used to treat Painful conditions of varied types such as mega soolai, vedi soolai, idisoolai, pudaisoolai, thudisoolai, vadha soolai, [ various kinds of neuralgic pain],  It is used to treat Kaal Kudaichal [excruciating pain in leg],karanai,vippuruthi [ fissures], and scrofula [ kandamalai], It is used to treat Thozhu Noigal[ leprosy]  It is used to treat Sori[itching] It is used to treat Puzhuvettu[ alopecia], It is used to treat Thadippu[ rashes] It is used to treat Aankuri Silanthi and Penkuri Silanthi [ chancre], It is used to treat  Mega[hot flush], It is used to treat various kinds of glandular enlargement such as Seng Grandhi, karung kiranthi, ari kiranthi, pori kiranthi, padu kiranthi etc.,  It is used to treat Thodai Vazhai, Muttu Vazhai[ various kinds of cancerous affections such as kanna puttru [ cheek cancer],  It is used to treat Aankuri Puttru[penial cancer], It is used to treat Pennkuri Puttru[vagainal cancer], It is used to treat Moolam [piles]  It is used to treat fistula[ Pouthiram] DOSAGE AND ADJUVANTS; Take oneCapsule with palm jaggery twice daily after taking curd rice for 40 days, or as directed by the physician. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; Avoid salts, tamarind, sasban, bitter gourd, alcohol, sour diet, non- veg foods and tobacco. SAFETY INFORMATION; Read the label carefully before use Do not exceed the recommended dose Keep out of the reach of children Store at a cool and dry place


Rasagandhi Mezhugu is a classical Medicine in Siddha system of medicine. It is used to treat abscess due to Vata, hernia, abdominal colic, facial palsy, neuro-muscular conditions due to Vata imbalance and backache. Important in sarvanga vata [paraplegia]. Very effective if applied externally in pounding pain, pricking pain, numbness and loss of strength. Controls ;

Rasagandhi Mezhugu are used to cure various types of diseases such as skin diseases, arthritis, joint or muscle pain, fissures, fistula, piles, penile cancer, and many more. It helps one to lower the itching and irritation of skin observed in the case of skin disease.

The pain caused in the urinary tract due to fistula and piles is also lowered with the help of Rasagandhi Mezhugu . The herbal and natural ingredients of the tablets make the product a safe one to use. The irresistible pain caused while the movement of hands and legs is also low after the consumption of Rasagandhi Mezhugu.


Elemental mercury (Purified) - compounds have been used to treat skin infection, and in developing countries, they have been applied to the treatment of skin sores from syphilis. Mercury compounds have been used as laxatives and also added to teething powders as calomel (mercurous chloride)

Elemental suphur (Purified) -  is applied to the skin for acne, hayfever, skin redness (rosacea), dandruff, scaly and red skin patches (seborrheic dermatitis), an itchy skin infection caused by mites (scabies), lice, cold sores, warts, and poison oak, ivy, and sumac infections.

Mercury Chloride (Purified) - is corrosive to mucous membranes and used as a topical antiseptic and disinfectant.

Arsenie trisulphide (Purified) -  internally for chronic diseases after purification and incineration.

Copper sulphate  - is used to control bacteria and fungus growth.

Zinc carbonate with traces of Zinc Sulphate (Purified) - have been used for their antiseptic, astringent, or caustic properties.

Lead monooxide (Purified) -is used in the treatment of genitourinary disorder, diabetes, anemia, asthma gastric ulcers and urinary diseases 

Zingiber officinale - is one of the most widely used natural products consumed as a spice and medicine for treating nausea, dysentery, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea, loss of appetite, infections, cough, and bronchitis.

Curcuma longa - is used as a traditional medicine and remedy for various diseases including a coughs, diabetes, dermatological conditions, respiratory problems, cardiovascular and hepatobiliary diseases, arthritis, irritable bowel disease (IBS), peptic ulcers, psoriasis, and atherosclerosis.

Embelia ribes -  are recommended for relieving headache, rhinitis, haemorrhage, epilepsy and insomnia. The decoction of dried fruits is used for fever and for chest and skin disease. Paste is applied for skin infection.

Acorus calamus - is also used as a calming medicine (sedative), to induce sweating, and to treat rheumatoid arthritis and stroke.

Syzgium aromaticum - have been used for centuries in the treatment of vomiting; flatulence; nausea; liver, bowel and stomach disorders; and as a stimulant for the nerves. In tropical Asia, cloves have been documented to relieve different microorganisms as scabies, cholera, malaria, and tuberculosis.

Smilax china - is very effective cardio tonic that is used to treat various heart related disorder. It also used as stimulant for digestive system and good for promoting process of digestion. It is also carminative and laxative in nature and good for the sufferers of constipation.

Terminalia chebula -  is used for dysentery. Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula are used as a lotion for sore eyes. Terminalia chebula is also used topically as a mouthwash and gargle. Intravaginally, Terminalia chebula is used as a douche for treating vaginal infections.

Vernonia anthetmintica -  used in local medicine to cure a wide spectrum of disorders including asthma, sores, inflammatory swellings, skin ailments, kidney troubles, itching of the eyes, and hiccough.

Premna berbacea -  is used in India to treat dropsy, cough, asthma, fever, rheumatism and cholera.

Vitis vinifera - used for treating sore throats, and raisins were given as treatments for consumption (tuberculosis), constipation and thirst. Ripe grapes were used for the treatment of cancer, cholera, smallpox, nausea, skin and eye infections as well as kidney and liver diseases.

Taxus baccata - has been used by the native populations for treating common cold, cough, fever, and pain.

Piper longum - is most commonly used to treat chronic bronchitis, asthma, constipation, gonorrhea, paralysis of the tongue, diarrhea, cholera, chronic malaria, viral hepatitis, respiratory infections, stomachache, bronchitis, diseases of the spleen, cough, and tumors.

Cuminum cyminum - are widely used as the spice for their distinctive aroma, they are also commonly used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases, including chronic diarrhoea and dyspepsia, acute gastritis, diabetes, and cancer.

Psoralea corylifolia -has been used since centuries in leukoderma, psoriasis, vitiligo, asthma, ulcers, kidney disorders, and as an aphrodisiac and an anti-inflammatory.

Strychnos nux - vomica - is used for diseases of the digestive tract, disorders of the heart and circulatory system, diseases of the eye, and lung disease. It is also used for nerve conditions, depression, migraine headache, symptoms of menopause, and a blood vessel disorder called Raynaud's

Corallacarpus epigaeus - is commonly used in folk medicine in the treatment of various ailments, in- cluding, dysentery, enteritis, laxative, rheumatism and syphilis

Withania sominifera -  is used in treating a wide variety of illnesses including asthma, diabetes, hypertension, stress, arthritic diseases, and cancer.

Azima tetracantha  is widely used in traditional medicine for treatment of cancer and diabetic activity. Both its leaves were reported to possess antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities.

Acalypha fruticosa -  is drunk to treat convulsions, fever, colds and swellings of the scrotum. A root infusion is taken to treat whooping cough. The filtrate of the macerated leaves in water or milk is taken to treat constipation.

Cocos nucifer -  is drunk to treat convulsions, fever, colds and swellings of the scrotum. A root infusion is taken to treat whooping cough. The filtrate of the macerated leaves in water or milk is taken to treat constipation.

Sesamum indicum -  is mildly laxative, emollient and demulcent. The seeds and fresh leaves may be used as a poultice.

Dolichos biflorus - herbal medicine the seeds of it are mainly used as tonic, astringent, diuretic, and are also recommended in asthma, bronchitis, urinary discharges, hiccoughs, ozoena, heart trouble and other diseases of brain.

Astercantha longifolia -  is an important medicinal herb and is used in traditional system of medicine for various ailments like diuretics, jaundice, diopsy, rheumatism, hepatic, obstructions and dissolution of gallstones, kidney stones, liver dysfunction and disease of urinogenital tracts.

Plumbago indica - infusion of the roots is taken to treat dyspepsia, colic, cough and bronchitis. A liniment made from bruised root mixed with a little vegetable oil is used as a rubefacient to treat rheumatism and headache.

Palm jaggery - is known for its medicinal properties. It acts as an effective remedy for curing many common ailments, such as a dry cough, cold and asthma. It also helps in clearing your respiratory tract by dissolving the mucus.

Egg White - are rich in protein and hence excellent for muscle growth. Having them on a regular basis can help in strengthening muscles, warding off fatigue boosting immunity levels. Since they are high in their nutrition value, egg whites help fight obesity.


It is used to treat Painful conditions of varied types such as mega soolai, vedi soolai, idisoolai, pudaisoolai, thudisoolai, vadha soolai, [ various kinds of neuralgic pain], 

It is used to treat Kaal Kudaichal [excruciating pain in leg],karanai,vippuruthi [ fissures], and scrofula [ kandamalai],

It is used to treat Thozhu Noigal[ leprosy] 

It is used to treat Sori[itching]

It is used to treat Puzhuvettu[ alopecia],

It is used to treat Thadippu[ rashes]

It is used to treat Aankuri Silanthi and Penkuri Silanthi [ chancre],

It is used to treat  Mega[hot flush],

It is used to treat various kinds of glandular enlargement such as Seng Grandhi, karung kiranthi, ari kiranthi, pori kiranthi, padu kiranthi etc., 

It is used to treat Thodai Vazhai, Muttu Vazhai[ various kinds of cancerous affections such as kanna puttru [ cheek cancer], 

It is used to treat Aankuri Puttru[penial cancer],

It is used to treat Pennkuri Puttru[vagainal cancer],

It is used to treat Moolam [piles] 

It is used to treat fistula[ Pouthiram]


Take oneCapsule with palm jaggery twice daily after taking curd rice for 40 days, or as directed by the physician.


Avoid salts, tamarind, sasban, bitter gourd, alcohol, sour diet, non- veg foods and tobacco.


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the recommended dose

Keep out of the reach of children

Store at a cool and dry place

Indication NEURALGIA Skin disease Piles and Fistula Glandular congestion
Ingredients Elemental mercury (purified) - 1.04%
Elemental suphur (purified) - 1.04%
Mercury chloride (purified) - 1.04%
Arsenie trisulphide (purified) - 1.04%
Manetite ore of iron (purified) - 1.04%
Copper sulphate - 1.04%
Zinc carbonate with traces of zinc sulphate (purified) - 1.04%
Lead monooxide (purified) - 1.04%
Zingiber officinale - 1.04%
Trachyspermum ammi - 1.04%
Curcuma longa - 1.04%
Embelia ribes - 1.04%
Acorus calamus - 1.04%
Syzgium aromaticum - 1.04%
Smilax china  - 1.04%
Semecarpus anacardium - 1.04%
Terminalia chebula - 1.04%
Nigella sativa - 1.04%
Vernonia anthetmintica - 1.04%
Premna berbacea - 1.04%
Vitis vinifera - 1.04%
Taxus baccata - 1.04%
Piper longum - 1.04%
Alpinia speciosa - 1.04%
Saussurea lappa - 1.04%
Celastrus paniculatus - 1.04%
Foeniculum vulgare - 1.04%
Elettaria cardamomum - 1.04%
Myristica fragrans - 1.04%
Piper nigrum - 1.04%
Cuminum cyminum - 1.04%
Psoralea corylifolia - 1.04%
Quercus infectoria oliver - 1.04%
Piper longum - 1.04%
Calamus rotang - 1.04%
Strychnos nux - vomica - 1.04%
Astercantha longifolia - 1.04%
Sesamum indicum - 1.04%
Dolichos biflorus - 1.04%
Cocos nucifera  - 1.04%
Acalypha fruticosa - 1.04%
Azima tetracantha - 1.04%
Withania sominifera - 1.04%
Corallacarpus epigaeus - 1.04%
Plumbago indica  - 1.04%
Palm jaggery - 52.16%
Egg white - Q.S.

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